MEC Contest Reminder! And a taste of South America

So I posted the other day that I entered a photo contest with MEC, and could use your help with daily votes! Since the voting is daily, I thought I would post up some pictures of my travels to South America every day, to give some incentive to take a look and vote for me! Here's the link again, and if you could toss me a vote to help me win a hiking trip to the Arctic, I would greatly appreciate it!

In the summer of 2011 I took a trip to Chile and Argentina. I flew in to Santiago, Chile to start it off, and hung around there for 4 days, exploring the sights. As I arrived, I noticed tanks, tear gas and protesters in the streets. Google the Chilean education protests, they were crazy! I got to witness a peaceful protest the next day too, which was really cool to see. I got a good day of snowboarding in at Valle Nevado (no pictures), and also an awesome winery tour of the Concha y Toro winery. I definitely recommend visiting it if you ever go to Santiago. After 4 days, I met up with a travel group and we headed down south to some smaller towns. That leg of the journey tomorrow!

This is the view of Santiago from Cerro San Cristobal, a nice hill to hike in the city.

A small child wearing a Chilean flag in a peaceful protest of the education system.

This woman's sign meant, "If the president studied for free, why can my grandkids not have the same right?"

Casillero Del Diablo (Devil's Dungeon) at the Concha y Toro winery.

My friend Lupita waiting for the subway in Santiago.

Help me win an Arctic hiking adventure!

Thanks for checking out my website! I recently entered a photography contest with MEC about Exploring Outside. The grand prize is a hiking adventure for 4 to the Arctic next summer! I entered a collection of 4 photos that have all been explained in detail on this site, from previous hikes. If you could take a look at my contest entry, and cast me a vote, I would greatly appreciate it!  You can vote daily too, so the more votes the merrier. Votin goes from July 10-24.  Thanks!  

Here is the link to the contest:

This is a star trail I shot from our last trip to Moab!